Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good Bye...For Now

I cannot believe that this adventure is about to come meet its end. I will miss it so. However as I look back at the past four months I realize that I have no choice in the matter, I must return. I also must encourage people to take the steps like the one that took me here. Maybe not to China, but to bother to learn a difficult language and go abroad, see the world outside of US borders, it might be the most important thing they ever do with their lives.

However, I do look forward to seeing everyone back home. As I have told my mother, it is the people and not the place that I truly miss. I come back to the States baring stories and gifts (I apologize in advance to anyone I forgot to buy something for...Im not a big shopper).

I have too many stories to tell here, whether they be happy or kind of tragic. So ask and you shall recieve.

Until then...I bid you good night and good luck

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