Monday, November 24, 2008

Sorry...its bin a while

Like I said...sorry for the delay, buts it been a long couple of weeks. Lets see what happened since we last had communications...

I discovered that Dragon Place's "Won-Ton Soup" aint got jack on the stuff I can get a enormouns bowl of here for about 1.25US. Also, if your Korean friend yells at a cab driver for being incompetent he WILL cut the price of the ride by quite a bit.

Back to food...Im gonna miss it. Bad. Dont get me wrong I miss a good plate of Carne Guisada plenty, but this stuff is amazing, as well as dirt cheap. Probably the biggest reverse culture shock I'll have when I get home.

Also discussing food, I hope everyone reading this enjoys their thanksgiving, rest assured we here in Shanghai will celebrate in our own special way.

Also, I pick up my new suit Wednesday. A three piece pinstripe I got customed tailored out of a very nice wool/cashmere blend. Ridiculously cheap.

On a less positive note, my class was upraded from the level 2 book to the level 3 book last week, which means even more work. But if I didnt want it I wouldn't be here, so no point in complaining.

I have no other thoughts for you now...until next time.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Study Study Study

I've been practicing characters for the past two hours and decided I would take a break to say hi to everyone. I've been busy, its been good. I had a cool celebrity sighting this week, tennis star Roger Federer. Very cool. That same weekend my roomate and I had some friends who live in Shenzhen came and stayed with us for a weekend here in Shanghai...we had a blast.

Other then that it has been business as unusual. I try to experience something obscure or new every day whenever I can, and I am always up for an adventure. That is how you make life experiences, and that is how I am trying to make mine...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another one bites the dust...

As you may expect, I followed the election to its end...and was not surprised in the least by its outcome. However, enough cnn bull, thats not what you read this for.

Since my last blog, I have had my fair share of adventures. First, was haloween, which I thoroughly enjoyed, even though I was in a nation that does not celebrate it like we do back home. It was alot of fun and I saw how another nation views our hollidays, which was interesting.

Then, on Monday night, I went to a Kanye West concert, which was really cool. Seeing as American performer in a foreign country was a really cool experience, followed by beers with an Australian restrauntier.

Tonight I again got to witness America in a foreign country, watching the new James Bond movie here in China (a week before its US release). It was an interesting and worthwhile experience. Plus the movie was awesome.

Also i passed my last test and am loving every day more then the last.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home in Shanghai...

I am back in Shanghai now, my adventures in Beijing over...for now. I got to see alot, but for a city with so much history, I feel like there will always be more for me to see.

On my final morning I went and saw Chairman Mao. Well worth for the irony if nothing else. I know this is me being nerdy but I found the fact that after you see the dead body of China's great Socialist leader you are dumped into a gift shop to be absolutely hilarious.

I also saw the Birds Nest/Olympic Park. I did not go into the Water Cube because paying 8 bucks to see a swimming pool does not appeal to me. However inside the Birds Nest You can see costumes and stuff from the opening ceremonies which are really cool to look at.

I'm tired so...thats all for now...bye yall