Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home in Shanghai...

I am back in Shanghai now, my adventures in Beijing over...for now. I got to see alot, but for a city with so much history, I feel like there will always be more for me to see.

On my final morning I went and saw Chairman Mao. Well worth for the irony if nothing else. I know this is me being nerdy but I found the fact that after you see the dead body of China's great Socialist leader you are dumped into a gift shop to be absolutely hilarious.

I also saw the Birds Nest/Olympic Park. I did not go into the Water Cube because paying 8 bucks to see a swimming pool does not appeal to me. However inside the Birds Nest You can see costumes and stuff from the opening ceremonies which are really cool to look at.

I'm tired so...thats all for now...bye yall

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