Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Good times

One advantage to traveling to a random place that I have noticed is the extremely diverse spectrum of people that I have met. In the last few days, I have argued over prices with Chinese people, shared a beer with a French man, had an interesting talk with a Spanish waiter, shared adventures with a Floridan world traveler, and went to an Opera with a philipino girl from New Zealand. It is my opinion that only travel can bring this kinds of experiences. In fact I rather like the motto of one of the local establishments..."Better Travel Then Dead".

Aside from this I have had another adventure as of late... I have been the victim of Pick Pocketing. Last night my camera was stolen from my pocket, as well as a map of Beijing that I had grown quite fond of. So this means that pictures from Beijing will be limited, however I do have my video camera so I have some good footage.

Things I have seen this week include: A spectacular Buddhist Lamasary that was suggested by a friend and was very close to my hostel (Thanks Jess, thought I did not find the noodles), that holds many different very unique images. I spent some time in Prayer and reflection here, because it just felt like the right thing to do. I have also visited a very interesting Chinese take on a flea market, which was full of people yelling and shouting, much of which I could not understand. For lunch that day I enjoyed Tim's Texas BBQ. Perhaps the only legitimate BBQ place in China, a great taste of home to be sure. Before these (On Sunday Afternoon) I visited two on Beijing's Landmark attractions. First was the Forbidden City, which I recommend anyone who has the chance, PLEASE GO SEE IT!! It was an amazing experience to be sure. After this I went to Tiananmen square, which took my breath away. I have seen may pictures of this monster, but being there was something different all together.

All in all this has been a great week and worth the loss, as I am seeing what I want to see in China...

Till next time

1 comment:

Jess West said...

glad you liked the llamasary! it's definitely my favorite spot in beijing. sorry you missed out on the noodles though, not that i'm surprised, i mean my directions were so not specific. sorry to hear you got pickpocketed :(